Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Trey's words have been ringing in my ears all morning. I don't condone cheating. Nope, not at all. I've never cheated. But it isn't until now that I've taken a moment to question why. I could say that it's because I have morals and I know its wrong. I could say that it's because I'd never want to hurt/disrespect someone like that. I could say that it's because the risk of disease is too high to sleep around. All of those things are true, but they simply aren't the number one reason why I've never cheated.

So what is the one thing that stands between Me & cheating? Opportunity.

I wasn't always the relationship type. I didn't sleep around, but I dated of course - you know how it goes...dinners, movies, concerts & other events. I never led anyone to believe that they were the only person I was spending time with (unless they really were). Pretty hard to cheat if you're not committed in the first place.

I believe in choices. So I don't mean to imply that I am no longer able to remain faithful in my relationship. I'm longer willing to.

Opportunity has knocked. Will I answer?