Monday, July 7, 2008



I've recently started Yaz as my primary birth control method. So far, so good ~ meaning: no side effects & I'm not pregnant.

Why Yaz, you say? I'll sucked me in. The cutesy commercial really got my attention. But before I decided to tell my OB/GYN that Yaz was my choice, I did my homework. Their site (linked throughout this post, btw) is very informative. But I didn't stop there. For nearly two weeks, I read every Google & Yahoo!Answers post I could find.

This morning, I was wondering: Why isn't BC discussed more? When I had my first menstrual cycle, the sex & birth control talk came along with the package. But I was given the short version of everything.
Lucky for me, my over-analytical inquisitive nature kept me from turning into another case of Little Black Girl Lost. I quickly realized that the information I wanted wasn't going to fall in my lap, so I became proactive about it (remember: you are your body's sole protector).

So I ask:
Ladies: If you're using BC, what's your primary method? What made you choose this?
If you aren't using BC, why not?

Men: Is this something that you discuss with the lady (or ladies) in your life?


Vote Obama!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Another YouTube all time favorite of mine.


No matter how many times I watch this, the hilariousness of it never fades. Enjoy.



Me & my BFF homegirl Carrie were talking about this the other day & both agreed that it would be an interesting blog topic. (I <3 your opinions)

In our tech savy age, text messages & e-mails have made the love letter pretty darn obsolete. I too have found myself beaming sweet nothings into my sweetie's inboxes sometimes more than his ears.

With emoticons & abbreviations being standard for the uber texter, I ask this: Does "I luv u" carry the same weight as "I love you"?

For me, it doesn't. I see "I love you", and I can feel the words like a whisper. But "I luv u" (and its variations) come across as cheap as a knock-off.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

HOW TO BREAK UP ~ in 64 easy steps

*video by Levni (Lev) Yilmaz*click his name to check out his youtube channel*

I love Lev's Tales of Mere Existence series. Don't forget to check out his YouYube channel.



I was reading this article on pravda, and it got my mind wondering. Is tech addiction real? Better I tech addicted?!?

I have the AT&T Samsung Blackjack II. My first dabble in the pda/smartphone arena. My sister has the Crackberry Blackberry Curve. Its like some kind of advanced evolution struck me & this thing (I say "this" as apposed to "that" b/c its sitting right in front of me - of course) has become my new appendage. Now, I don't fall into the category of people who "forget about everything else, including food and sex", but "euphoria and ecstasy from buying a new gadget" or "inability to stay away from appliances for long", yea...that's me. Sadly, I realized just yesterday that I'm a member of the text~whilst~driving club.

Looking back, I've always gotten glitzy~eyed over electronics. I remember when Apple dropped the ipod. You better believe I paid that $300+ tab. And I've been computer obsessed since back in the day when it was still considered weird behavior.

Before I got my blackjack, I was all over ebay like a Trekkie @ Comic-Con because I felt like I just couldn't wait for my upgrade discount date. Heck, I get a delightful chill down my spine each time I walk into a Best Buy.

Are you gadget addicted?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



in·teg·ri·ty [in-teg-ri-tee]

1.adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2.the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
3.a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.
1. rectitude, probity, virtue.
1. dishonesty.

What ever happened to integrity? What happened to: I'm going to do this because it's the right thing to do. Or: I'm not going to do that because it's the wrong thing to do. Soon, I'm going to start a petition for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to list "People With Integrity" on the Federal Endangered Species List ~ somewhere between the Puerto Rican Boa and the Hawaiian Goose.


In a jailhouse interview, 29 year old Michael Turner admits to fatally shooting his wife and injuring his two children. His excuse reason: "I can't control myself".

click here to see the video / click here to read the story