Wednesday, July 2, 2008



I was reading this article on pravda, and it got my mind wondering. Is tech addiction real? Better I tech addicted?!?

I have the AT&T Samsung Blackjack II. My first dabble in the pda/smartphone arena. My sister has the Crackberry Blackberry Curve. Its like some kind of advanced evolution struck me & this thing (I say "this" as apposed to "that" b/c its sitting right in front of me - of course) has become my new appendage. Now, I don't fall into the category of people who "forget about everything else, including food and sex", but "euphoria and ecstasy from buying a new gadget" or "inability to stay away from appliances for long", yea...that's me. Sadly, I realized just yesterday that I'm a member of the text~whilst~driving club.

Looking back, I've always gotten glitzy~eyed over electronics. I remember when Apple dropped the ipod. You better believe I paid that $300+ tab. And I've been computer obsessed since back in the day when it was still considered weird behavior.

Before I got my blackjack, I was all over ebay like a Trekkie @ Comic-Con because I felt like I just couldn't wait for my upgrade discount date. Heck, I get a delightful chill down my spine each time I walk into a Best Buy.

Are you gadget addicted?


bshepjr said...

*raises hand*


computers, ipods, and my phone

3 things i cant do without, especially the ipod.

hell, i be on the computer more than....well, lemme stop before i embarrass myself