Wednesday, August 27, 2008



I think my miracle pill is failing me.

I started taking Yaz earlier this year (see post Keyword: Control), and all was well - no side effects, no pregnancy.

But for the last couple of weeks, I have been a royal BITCH. I can cling to people like a lint ball and then want everyone the hell away from me within the hour. Some days I can't eat anything & others, I can't eat enough. I cry all the time, have virtually no patience, wake up already annoyed & irritated, I can't concentrate and even the smallest things leave me completely frustrated.

I'm determined to at least finish the 2 packs I have left from my last prescription fill. Maybe this is temporary. But I may have to get a fckn Nuva Ring or something before I kill someone.

I am a pile of emotionally unstable wreckage.


President Anthony Taurus said...

I had a friend that used to cheat on her bf with me(lol) used the nuva ring. she said she liked it. she didn't experience those side effects. Maybe you've got to get used to it. I mean you are trying to manipulate your hormones. Give it some time to handle yo crazy ass lol. There's always abstinence. I prefer oral sex. It's just as good without the baby risk. ;)

Mandii Nichole said...

Abstinence? *cringe*

Its sad, I know...but I can't go very long without the peen.

Man, I didn't even realize my behavior was so nutty until last night (I was truly convinced it was the rest of the world that had the problem, lol). I was ripping Mr. Man a new one & he said he didn't even know what he'd done wrong. And after I thought about it...I didn't know either =|

Then I was like :::flava flave voice::: w w o o o w w w...I've got some SERIOUS damage control to do.

Amani Roberts said...

I wish I had another suggestion to help you but I don't know. I try to stay away from any meds ... maybe another hobby to keep your mind occupied can help? Do you have a Wii, 360 or a pS3?? Perhaps that can help? I may be out of my element here ... what about a jackrabbit??? I just don't know.

Mandii Nichole said...

Even tho I'm not much of a gamer, I was absolutely in love with Rockband on Wii. You couldn't tell me NOTHIN once I was able to play the drums on medium instead of easy, lol. But lately, not even Rockband can keep the frown off my face

I love reading, but with the lack of concentration, I end up re-reading over & over =/ Which leads to frustration and ends in Me slamming my book down and storming away from it (how dramatic, huh).

I'll just keep chanting - 99.9% effecive, shorter lighter periods...99.9% effective, shorter lighter periods. And hopefully this will pass soon. If it doesn't, I'll just have to seek a different BC method.